7 Simple Ways You Can Prevent Pallet Damage
Pallet racks in warehouses and industrial settings undergo wear and tear on a regular basis. This damage if not rectified on time can pose a serious threat to employees working on the floor and prevent a warehouse from operating at its optimum levels. It is essential that warehouses have safety protocols to prevent accidents and minimize damage.
Here’s look at 7 simple ways to ensure you maintain the effectiveness of your pallet:
1. Get high-quality rack protectors
The corners of the racking system are vulnerable to damage due to collisions or impact by loads. Consider fortifying the racks with corner protectors and frame protectors. They are essential for the safety and life of the racking.
2. Place lights on racks and forklifts
Pallets are a vital component of any supply chain. Over 70% of pallet damage is caused while hauling goods. Install lights and mirrors on pallets and forklifts to ensure driver visibility and safety.
3. Prohibit pallet overloading
Avoid stacking loads on the pallets beyond the prescribed capacity. It can result in product collapses and lead to more serious consequences like injuries to workers, damage to products and lost production time.
4. Ensure greater aisle space
Clumsy and narrow spaces don’t allow free movement of the forklifts. A warehouse with compromised floor space will have greater chances of striking a rack. Aisle width should ensure sufficient space to support passing forklifts and pedestrians.
5. Ensure greater aisle space
Clumsy and narrow spaces don’t allow free movement of the forklifts. A warehouse with compromised floor space will have greater chances of striking a rack. Aisle width should ensure sufficient space to support passing forklifts and pedestrians.
6. Regular inspections are a must
Pallets often go unnoticed unless a load sags or shifts. Regular inspection of the racks must be carried out to identify the potential issues. The possible signs to look out for are – damages like bents, dents, scraped paint etc.
7. Speed regulations for drivers
One easy way to prevent damage to the racks is to have a definitive speed limit for drivers. This will reduce the collisions in warehouses. Make sure that the speed of the forklift is not more than 8 miles per hour in the aisle area and no more than 3 miles per hour near pedestrians.